Natural Piggy Diet

Please be advised that this diet may not be suitable for all pigs and I am not a vet or licensed nutritionist.  


Disclaimer: Please contact your vet before starting or changing your pigs diet.


This diet is based on the portions I currently feed my girls for their size and lifestyle.  Portions will also vary depending how much grazing and snacks they are getting in between meals.

I’ve been feeding pellet free for about 15 months.  I made the change for several reasons:

  • I didn’t like the chemical smell from the pellets; it reminded me of the smell from the dry cleaners.
  • My girls were always hungry and grumpy with the recommended portions.  
  • They were gaining weight rapidly even with the recommended portions.
  • I wanted their diet to be somewhat similar to what they would eat in the wild.

My pigs are 19 months old and weigh approximately 65lbs.  They spend their mornings and evenings outside in sunny Miami Florida, rooting, sunbathing, swimming and getting into mischief.  Although my pigs root, it’s rare they graze.  They don’t get snacks during the middle of the day due to our family’s busy schedules.  


You will also notice that you can provide bigger portions of wholesome foods while actually satisfying their hunger.   My girls are much happier pigs and their urine literally doesn’t smell anymore.  



Breakfast consists of the following for MY pigs based on their weight and habits (I double the below since I prepare for 2 pigs):


  • 1.5 cups of whole grain rolled oats (Plain Quaker Oats – I prefer the regular, not the Quick Cook) mixed with 1.5 cups of water.  Put it in the micro for 40 secs, just enough to let the oats suck up some of the water.  The oats will have a chewy “Al Dente” feel and some water still left.
  • 2 tablespoons of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt mixed into the above prepared oatmeal. (Protein and Live cultures to help maintain a healthy digestion)
  • 1 tablespoon of Coconut oil
  • ½ piece of fruit.  (Banana, apple, or a quarter of a papaya or any other fruit of your choice) I usually give papaya when it’s in season since I grow it in my backyard.
  • 1 Children’s multivitamin (I use Vitafusion Multivites Gummies because the whole family can use them. Adults get 2 and children get 1, pigs get 1)  This vitamin does not contain iron. I supplement their iron at dinner with some spinach.  Some people prefer a multivitamin with iron, by all means please keep doing so, as long as they get some sort of vitamins.  You don’t have to give this with breakfast and instead can use it as a treat.  I throw it in the oatmeal because it’s like a yummy surprise and I don’t want to forget! 
  • 1 Cranberry pill (I use TruNature Soft gels for urinary tract maintenance) I throw this in the oatmeal for the same reason as mentioned for the vitamin.



Their dinner diet consists mostly of dark green leafy greens and nuts.  The variety you can add is endless.


My pigs like Romaine and Spinach.  They hate Kale, Collard Greens, Celery, Green Beans, Mushrooms and Asparagus unless it’s cooked!


Keep in mind that my girls weigh about 65 lbs.  Please adjust portions to the size of your pig. I like to mix things up and always start with a green leafy vegetable base (Romaine & Spinach) and then choose 1-2 of the items listed below that.  


The list can be endless…  Please feel free to add your own low sugar and low starch vegetables.    

  • 1 head of Romaine lettuce each
  • Large handful of spinach
  • Shallow handful of raw unsalted pumpkin and or sunflower seeds.  You can also use other raw unsalted nuts such as almonds and cashews, etc.
  • ½ cup Quinoa (1 part Quinoa, 2 parts water.  I usually add a ¼ more of water because I like mine to be fluffier.  I cook it in the rice cooker on the white rice setting.  We make enough for both humans and pigs for one week.
  • ½ a small raw sweet potato (Cooked sweet potatoes turn the starch into sugar)
  • ½ zucchini or squash
  • 3 baby carrots
  • Cooked Wild Sockeye Salmon (Only if we are having it for dinner)
  • Ground Flax Seed or Wheat Germ (Can be used for breakfast)
  • Sprinkle of Oatmeal
  • Table spoon of coconut oil – Melt and drizzle it on their salad unless you already put it in their oatmeal at breakfast.
  • Unsweetened dried cranberries


Reprinted with permission. ©Victoria Ann Sullivan, Just Mini Pigs FB Group

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A registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit

Mission Statement:


Our goal is to provide a safe haven for abandoned or unwanted pot belly pigs and provide them with the medical attention they need, as well as the love and attention they deserve.


We will participate in fundraising to provide veterinary treatment, spay/neuter, food and shelter; as well as foster responsible pot belly pig ownership through education and adoption.

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